
#danceyoursocksoff at #ECISPE 2016 25-04-2016

This workshop was presented at #ECISPE2016 in London



- This is used for the “planning for performance” task for the MYPPHE Year 5.

- For students to become more confident on the dance floor

- Experience enjoyment of moving on music

- Understand the difference between performing & participating

- Extend dance vocabulary (show & tell)



Practical workshop where I will lead the participant through a unit of #danceyoursocksoff @ISD MYPPHE5

Participants are expected to physically participate.  



Flipped classroom technique 

Use of wireless headphones

Ipad BAM video delay

ScanYOdance QR codes,

Own your dance assessment

Priming for learning through entrance ticket

Dance Concept: SELFFT 


Presentation #ECISPE 2016 (https://www.emaze.com/@ACFTZZQC/danceyoursocksoff)

BAM video delay and soultrain (https://youtu.be/7YqHXh6GtrU)


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